Interested in learning more about energy medicine? These resources will help stretch your mind.
- What is homeopathy?
- What are Bach Flower Remedies?
- What exactly is muscle testing and how does it work? Dr. Bradley Nelson explains.
- Cindy Dale is a world-renowned author and intuitive healer.
- Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of epigenetics, cellular biology and quantum physics.
- The WAPF has excellent podcast interviews with energy healing experts, such as in episodes #349, #347, #341, and #330.
- Joe Dispenza is a chiropractor and leading expert in neuroscience, mind-body medicine and brain-heart coherence.
- How can hypnotherapy benefit me? This YouTube video by renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer does an excellent job explaining.
- A discussion on how energy medicine, sound therapy and frequency fit with Christianity.